There are two ways to add Ether to the Smart Contract reserve: Buying new A-Tokens and using the Fallback function of the Smart Contract to send Ether to the reserve without printing of new A-Tokens.
Token Features:
Every A token was paid for
A token is a Self-Tradeable Token (STT)
A token is managed by a smart contract
The A token smart contract uses Point Calculation Formulas
Its functions are activated as every other Smart Contract on the Ethereum Blockchain.
You can use any wallet that supports functions activation on the Ethereum Bloclchain, for example:
1. Click on the CONTRACTS tab of the site menu.
2. Insert Contract Address -
3. Insert the ABI –
4. Choose the BuyTokens function from the functions menu.
5. Write.
6. The BuyTokens function has no arguments, but remember to send value which is, at least, twice the price of the A-Token.
7. Determine the proper Gas and Gas Price.
8. Choose to submit the transaction.
Almost the same as the BuyTokens function, but, the SellTokans carry an argument for the amount of A-Tokens which you wish to sell.
Do remember that 1 A-Token is: 1000000000000000000. The SellTokens has also a value to send which is 206000 wei or 0.000000000000206000 ether.
1. Click on the CONTRACTS tab of the site menu.
2. Insert Contract Address -
3. Insert the ABI –
4. Choose the SellTokens function from the functions menu.
5. Insert the A-Tokens amount you wish to sell. Remember: One A-Token is the minimum and it is written as wei.
6. Write.
7. Remember to send 0.000000000000206000 Ether value which is the fee for this function.
8. Determine the proper Gas and Gas Price.
9. Choose to submit the transaction.
Thus it has all the functions of those kind of standard tokens on the Ethereum blockchain.
A-Token has the following functions:
totalSupply() – which returns the total supply of the A-Token.
balanceOf (address _owner) – which returns the A-Tokens balance of the defined address.
transfer (address _to, uint256 _value) – which allow to transfer A-Tokens from your account to the desired account.
transferFrom (address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) – which allow the use of approved A-Tokens.
approve (address _spender, uint256 _value) – which allow another user to use part (or all) of the owner A-Tokens.
allowance (address _owner, address _spender) – which returns the amount allowed for another user to use.
All those functions are useable through the use of a wallet, for example: MyEtherWallet.
1. Click on the CONTRACTS tab of the site menu.
2. Insert Contract address –
3. Insert the ABI –
4. Choose the function you need from the functions menu.
5. Insert the needed data. Remember that one A-Token is: 1000000000000000000. There is no fee on the ERC20 functions.
6. Write.
7. Determine the proper Gas and Gas Price.
8. Choose to submit the transaction.
1. split() – where we split the A-Token thus making it cheaper and allowing more activity. The split function is workable whenever the A-Token price exceeds 1 ether. The calculated factor to increase the amount of tokens should decrease the price towards 0.01 ether.
2. burn() – where you can delete A-Tokens that you own. This function is used with other Smart Contracts that receive A-Token as fee and need to delete it.